Sunday, September 22, 2013

Copyright, Nettiquette, Fair Use, and Cyber-bullying

Copyright laws have many loopholes.  I was vaguely aware of this fact throughout high school and my first two years of college.  After reading up on information over various copyright acts some of my questions have been cleared up.  However, it is clear that the situation is entirely subjective when it comes to a lawsuit.  Sometimes one side has the advantage without doubt, and other times the verdict is convoluted with particulars. An occasional reminder that manners are just as important on the internet as they are in person will do a lot of good for both teachers and students.  We need to be careful what we share with others or what we say, and think about how it affects those around us.  Cyber bullying is a cruel technique that intends to inflict harm on another person through a medium like the internet.  One element of cyber bullying I learned today is known as “happy slapping.” Apparently this is when kids assault unsuspecting people in public while recording the incident as evidence of their crime.  Then they share the video or photos with friends as if it’s entertainment.
  I am glad that we went over this information this week.  If my teachers in high school had elaborated and shared more information on what copyright laws were, I would feel better about the many papers I’ve since written.  I want to make the Fair Use Policy clear to my students.  My goal is to teach them life skills that will really help them in the “real world.” If all I do is teach them grammar or what limericks are then they won’t care about my class.  I want students to have marketable skills and realize how important literacy is.  Part of that goal involves teaching them how to share information legally and differentiating between what behaviors are appropriate and which are inappropriate. I felt such a gap between high school and college, and I don’t want that to happen to future generations.  There should be more of a cushion to support them during such a challenging time in their lives.  I still have some reading to do on the subject of copyrights, and the laws will keep changing. It’s up to each individual to decipher what behaviors are proper and prevent cyber bullying.


  1. Vicotoria,

    I agree with you on the aspect that you said that we should think about what you post online before posting it. It can hurt people reputation in the future and it can not also be true. I have seen how this can also ruin friendship and such. I eduacting people about this would be a good thin. Though it will not completely stop people from doing so but, it will help decrease it.

    Maria Zaldivar

    1. Dear Maria,
      I do think that everyone should take into consideration what they are writing before they post it online. Helping students understand that it's just like talking to another person, but the words are recorded on the internet forever seems very difficult. I would tell students that I think about what I say before I tell it to someone. Maybe a little role playing in the classroom will help them understand how hurtful words can be, especially when they're posted for everyone to see.
      Thanks for your comment!

  2. Back in High School, didn't the teachers always encourage at least referencing materials used? The way I was brought up was give credit where credit is due so I guess that applies to being fair with the copyright rules on things. I do agree thou that cyber bullying does use the internet as a medium to harm others. Calling it a medium is better because it can be used both ways that can led to a flame war over the net. Technology has its good and bad, so how we use it accordingly is what's being put into question.

    1. Hi tx2bad4good,
      We did have to cite sources at my high school, when we had any to cite. I just don't really remember doing a lot of research papers. I did one for speech class and that's what I remember referencing a lot of sources for. Other than that most classes just had us writing creatively.
      I think you're right about the internet being a medium. What it does for humankind depends on the users and what they post.
      Thanks for commenting. :)
